Summer Kollel Mechanchim


12 Participants. 8 Schools. 1 Unifying Vision.



Kollel Mechanchim L.A. is tailor made for teachers, offering them a warm and friendly environment to further expand spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Teachers are paid a handsome stipend and are provided with a structured and immersive learning program, weekly lectures on various topics, as well as periodic continuing education classes given by local and international educational experts and leaders. Additionally, teachers benefit tremendously from a like-minded, committed peer group with whom they exchange ideas and lessons helping each other grow personally and professionally. The impact this program has on the teachers and the general community is great, but the biggest impact is on the students themselves.

Our Mission

To inspire teachers who will thereby have an even greater impact on their students  -  forever.




Valley Village Community Kollel
12422 Chandler Blvd.
Valley Village, CA 91607

Contact Information

Rabbi Eliyahu Heller


Kollel Mechanchim L.A.